Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nerdyyy Nerd

Hello there!

My name is Amanda, Man-D, or Sitko (it changes from place to place)

I am a graduate of Niagara College in the Recreation and Leisure Services program and am currently enrolled in the Inclusive and Therapeutic Recreation program at Brock University. I have a pet cat named Marvin and a car named Doreen. You might also be interested to know that almost all of my important belongings have names. Ruby, June, and Cherry B (to name a few).

Gaming has always been one of my favourite past-times and although I don't have nearly as much time to spend on them as I would like - I always find it very refreshing to pick up a controller and escape within virtual worlds. I also really enjoy PC games - but simplistic ones like Tycoon Rollercoaster, Seaworld, Syberia and others. I find that when I'm playing games on the PC, I like to use my creativity and take the challenge of creating my own world.

My favourite game thus far in my life would have to be Syberia. I really enjoyed cracking codes and solving the mysteries that were brought about in each new world. The graphics were great and I found it very easy to slip away for hours at a time. I find that games that challenge me are always very intriguing and I often steer clear of games that are TOO simple. I like to be up to the challenge! I also really enjoy games like Super Mario, however, because they have a great connection to my childhood and although they can be quite easy - good feelings and memories are always had when I play it.

With regards to my course paper, I would like to find a game like Syberia that I can escape into and be challenged. I haven't really had a chance to start searching for specific games yet so I can't post about the three games that peak my interest - but I know that a game like this would be interesting to me because I really enjoy great graphics connected to a great story that's connected to a great challenge.

Can't wait for the gaming to begin!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumpled across your blog and thought I'd leave the first comment!
