Saturday, April 10, 2010

And that's a wrap!

I guess for me the big 'take-away' from this course would have to be when I learned how the online world is another workspace for individuals where they have made millions of dollars. It was very interesting to learn about second life and how people actually take this place seriously to the point that they live vicariously through it. When I tried this game out, I could completely see how it could be addicting and it almost made me want to try out the job thing online. However, I still feel that video games should be just that - games. Something to step away from the real world, to escape from everyday pressures and responsibilities. When video games turn into work or places where the context of 'playing' is taken out of them - I don't enjoy them as much.

My perception of digital leisure practices has not really changed since I started this course simply due to the fact that I have been an avid gamer since the beginning of my existence and have always have a very positive attitude toward games and gamers. However, I did feel a sense of sadness when hearing about people who have become so addicted to games that their lives have changed drastically - for the worse. Gaining knowledge about individuals who have lost their jobs, who isolate themselves from family, who lose their significant others over video games etc. had a huge impact on me as I realized that such a great thing can be taken too far. In contrast, it was awesome to learn about the advancements in technology and I look forward to seeing how video games will advance in the years to come.

Thanks for a great class, Tracy! I really enjoyed your teaching style as well as the topics that you chose to teach!

And thanks Mike for all of your hard work dedicated to the course! It was greatly appreciated.

Have a great summer!!

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