Wednesday, February 3, 2010

24 Hour Days Just Aren't Cutting It For Me!

As of right now I do not have any current avatars or characters due to the lack of time to play.

However! When I create any sort of character it is very important to me what they look like and what their personality consists of as well. When I create a character, I like her to be muscular and strong looking - but feminine and attractive as well. Looking like a female hero is of importance to me because regardless of my playing abilities, I would like others to somewhat feel intimidated. I work hard at achieving different items of clothing, armor, accessories, etc. and I like to save up my 'coins' or 'cash' that I earn to spend them on the more expensive purchases. However, I only care what I look like when I am playing games of challenge and competition between others. Games such as WOW (World of Warcraft) are included in this mix. However, in games like Super Mario Bros. it does not really matter to me which character I am.

Discussing identity in digital leisure practices is significant because everyone has their own vision of how they feel they need to portray themselvesand everyone does it completely differently. Attributes such as performance, complexity and multiplicity all play a role in the way a gamer chooses to dress their avatar, the behaviours and actions they make them display as well as the very nature of how they mentally play the game.

With regards to current gaming experiences, I do not have any on the go. However, past games that I have escaped into include Syberia, WOW, Tycoon adventure games (ie: rollercoaster, seaworld), The Sims, Super Mario Bros., Harry Potter, and Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events. I completed Syberia on my computer within 9 days and enjoyed it very much. I had to discontinue my WOW account for the time being due to my financial status, and every so often I like to catch up on my Tycoon's. I have created amusement parks, animal kingdoms as well as real life scenarios within The Sims. Lately I have been finding myself getting lost in Harry Potter and Lemony Snicket's as a simple way of letting go for a maximum of half hour at a time due to the fact that I really don't have the time to spend on video games right now!

I look forward to seeking out new adventures within another PC game VERY soon and am actually in the works of discovering something new and exciting to play!

Any suggestions on games would be greatly accepted!!

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