Sunday, February 14, 2010

Zelda Proves Feminism as a Fake!

For this blog, I focused my attention on "The Legends of Zelda: Twilight Princess" trailer as found on youtube. It is for the newest Zelda to be released this year (the month has not yet been determined).

Unlike many other video games, the main character in Zelda is a woman, and throughout the trailer she is depicted as the village hero who fights battles, completes challenges - and is victorious doing so! With regards to femininity and masculinity - this completely goes against what is depicted as the norm. Females are more often shown as the 'eye candy' for the game or as the 'weak' link that is given unimportant minor roles. However, Zelda is portrayed as having extreme strengths and powers with her shiny armor and giant super sharp sword. She also rides her horse with both legs on either side of the horses body whereas most females in video games ride as the stereotypical woman who has both legs on one side.

The message that Zelda sends is that women can be victorious no matter what battle they may face. The lifestyle that Zelda chooses to live is one where she is constantly tested on her skills and abilities and it is shown through this that facing obstacles can be exhilarating as well as 'if you put your mind to it - you can do it.'

Different people might understand this message different than me by thinking that women may be seen as being put on a pedestal - facing the unobtainable. Some of the challenges and quests that Zelda must conquer can be quite difficult and it is up to the gamer to reach success as Zelda. Women may feel that they are not skilled enough to complete such tasks - and men may feel that they don't want to play as a woman character.

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