Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hacking: From yesterday to tomorrow.

How are deviant digital practices portrayed in the film? Why is this significant? Deviant digital practices are portrayed in the film as very easy, accessible, and as something that is somewhat hidden or "wrong". This is significant because more and more people are becoming more knowledgeable about how to hack and it has become a vicious cycle as these people have taught others and will continue to do this for as long as time will go. It is significant to recognize that this practice is taken as something that is "rebellious" due to the fact that if maybe it wasn't so 'wrong' people wouldn't necessarily enjoy doing it.

How are hackers represented in the film? In the film, hackers are represented as young, nerdy, socially awkward, very smart, males. At the beginning of the film the main actor was questioned by his mother about his sexuality, his future goals, and about what he was doing with his life for the main reason that he stays in his room and doesn't socialize with others often. It is shown that he also doesn't have many friends or make them easily.

How are youth represented in the film? The film represents youth as being young, naive, and uneducated. However, what society in this film is unaware of is that youth in this time period had many tricks up their sleeves that were never spoken about. Most of their childlike behaviours and attitudes were just cover-ups of their knowledge within the virtual world of computers and they spent a lot of time behind closed bedroom doors working on hacking projects of billion dollar corporations.

How does this film ‘fit’ with the social concerns about the internet in 1995? This film 'fits' with the social concerns about the internet in 1995 by conforming to the assumption that the internet would bring about more negatives than positives. ????? (not sure about this answer.)

1. Topic, broadly defined - the influence female power roles has on gamers

2. Resonance for leisure studies - ??
3. Your topic narrowed down -
the influence that female power roles in VW has on female gamers in the reality world
4. Experts in the field & their views -> theories -
feminist theory? I'm not completely sure yet.
5. Your thoughts on the applicability of their views to your topic -
6. Your argument(s) -
I argue that female power roles within a virtual world would have a very positive affect on female gamers - and would influence their reality greatly by having such an impact.
7. What will you examine & your approach -
I will examine how female power roles have affected past and present well-known females
8. How you will examine this/your approach (e.g. discourse analysis, content analysis, ethnography etc.) -
I have not yet decided...
9. What you might expect to find -
I think that I will find that females who have had power roles have been very successful in their lives and that some of their success has been guided by having such roles.
10. Why you think your argument/findings are socially significant -
I think that this argument is socially significant because females don't usually get the chance to take on such power or show their successes as much as males do in society. Although the world has changed GREATLY with regards to females and power - I feel that there is still a big gap with how females are portrayed when it comes to power and success.

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