Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Passive Play - What are the impacts? How does it compare?

-Thinking about “Passive” play – can video games also be a form of entertainment that we consume in this way?

I feel that passive play is actually a big part of gaming in and of itself for the fact that if you are watching someone else play games, it most often encourages you and makes you want to try out the game yourself. However, I think that this is only the case for certain types of games. Games that are played solo (ex: first person shooter games) would probably be very boring (for most people) to watch whereas games that involve some sort of competition would be exciting and enjoyable.

-What elements should (or could) games contain that would permit an audience to watch, consume or passively play?

- As mentioned above, I feel that games that involve some sort of competition would be the biggest element that games would contain that would entice an audience. I also feel that games that are brighter in colour, fast-paced and have a good soundtrack are also games that would people would enjoy passively playing.

-Have you ever watched someone play a video game, MMORPG or be immersed in a virtual world? If so – what captivated you? What didn’t? If not, imagine what might interest you if you were to watch a friend or relative play?

- Yes. I have watched many people play all types of different games - as well as gotten lost in my own virtual world. The competition between myself and others was what captivated me at first, but I soon realized that what really caught my attention was the fact that there was a good story line to it. I had specific challenges and tasks that I needed to complete and I would often lose track of time taking care of such business.

-How is this different/same as other media we consume?

- This is different from other media that I consume (ie. listening to music, watching a movie, etc.) because it is something that I can fully participate in - meaning that I am physically doing something. Whether it is pressing keys on the keyboard, working a joystick, or playing with a controller - my body is physically doing something. While I listen to music or even watch a movie - I can fall asleep quite easily as the state that I fall into is more of a relaxed and comfortable one compared to the excited and motivated gamer state.

-What’s the difference between consuming media and passive play? Is there one?

- I don't feel that there is a difference between consuming media and passive play. For myself, both involve me listening and watching. It also relates to when my passive play turns into active play (while consuming media as well) when I decide to try the game out - or pick up my guitar and make music. Both have the same affect on me when it comes to future participation.

Part Two:
• What kinds of ‘play’ are found in the game/ virtual world you’ve chosen/thinking about writing about?

- narrative, collaborative, passive
• How is the narrative constructed in your game/ virtual world? How does this shape your in-game/world experiences?

- the narrative is constructed as the game moves through it's stages. There are specific tasks that I must complete and by the role that I am given (Zelda) I must complete these in specific ways that are told to me at the beginning of the game.

• What kind of interaction is encouraged?

- interaction with other characters in the game is very much encouraged as they are one of the main sources to my success throughout the game. However, I am also encouraged to fight my own battles when they occur.

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